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Writer's picturearvind makadiya

How to Effectively Implement the Concept of Target-Setting in Your Professional Life

TPM Activities have become widely disseminated and fixed in Japanese companies, and are now spreading to overseas enterprises. As such, they are now drawing much attention.

The reason for the high evaluation of TPM activities in that they have attained positive results. This may be the outcome of efforts to set targets for individual layers, such as the frontline, assistant section manager level, department of section manager levels, and plant manager level; to launch specific activities at these levels; and to achieve their targets through the united actions of all members.

TPM Requires setups that show contributions of the results to corporate management, and that show problems, if contributions of the results are small, and ways to solve such problems. the whole arrangement must be such that operational targets and TPM targets are unified.

The following indicates achievement indicators for each department and actions to be conducted by members of each circle, zone ,area.

KRA (Key Result Area), KPI (Key Performance Indicators ) Indexes and actions for each department, section, and circle.

Achievement Indicators

Plant Manager Level

  1. Manufacturing cost

2. Manufacturing overhead

3. Labor productivity

4. Added-Value productivity

5. Labor reductions ratio

6. Earning improvement amount

7. Work-in-process reduction ratio

8. Work-in-process turnover

9. No of complaints

10. Safety (No of accidents resulting in workday lost)

Department or section manager levels

  1. Overall equipment efficiency

2. Per-hour output productivity

3. Labor productivity

4. Manufacturing cost

5. Cutting-blade expenses per product

6. Material expenses, failure cost

7. Unattended operation ratio (no of units, hours)

8. Successful unattended operation ratio

9. Labor reduction ratio (automated and efficiency improvement ratio)

10. Manufacturing overhead reduction ratio

11. Maintenance expenses

12. No of complaints

13. Die, jig and tool losses

14. Energy

15. Safety

16. Cumulative effects of Kobetsu kaizen

17. Material yield loses

18. No of proposals


Assistant section manager level

  1. Changes in SD losses

2. No of failures

3. Setup improvement time

4. Cutting blade exchange time

5. Start up time

6. No of improvement of minor stoppages

7. No of improvement of speed reduction losses

8. No of defects or reworks

9. Time utilization ratio

10. Capacity utilization ratio

11. Non-defective parts (products) ratio

12. Cumulative effects of Kobetsu kaizen

13. No of themes resolved through Kobetsu Kaizen

14. Labor Reduction Ratio

15. Reduction of manhours

16. No of proposals


Circle Level

  1. Reduction of cleaning time

2. Reduction of inspection and oiling time

3. Reduced oil supply volume

4. Cumulative No. of minor improvement

5. No. of "good to find" cases

6. No. of Failure analyses

7. No. of improvement of minor stoppages and their changes

8. Setup improvement time and its changes (per day)

9. Changes in cutting blade replacement time



Plant Manager Level Action

  1. Were the target set based on the plant manager's policy attained ?

  2. What support should be provided to a section that has not yet attained the targets?

  3. Should the support be extended to the section manager?

  4. Should the support be extended in the form of project activities?

Department or section manager levels

Assistant Section Manager Level

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